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Electronic Resources
Sorry, access to electronic resources is suspended until issues are resolved. Please see My Account for details.
bibliotheca cloudLibrary™ Login Needed In-Library Use Only The Cloud Library allows you to borrow and read eBooks and eAudiobooks from your local public library for free! |
Texas ILL System Login Needed In-Library Use Only Unable to find a title in our Catalog? Search libraries and place an Interlibrary Loan request. |
20th Century American Poetry Login Needed In-Library Use Only This collection offers online access to the poetry of some of the greatest English and American writers of the twentieth century. |
20th Century English Poetry Login Needed In-Library Use Only This collection offers online access to the poetry of some of the greatest English and American writers of the twentieth century. |
Academic Search Complete Login Needed In-Library Use Only Designed for academic institutions, this database is a leading resource for scholarly research. It supports high-level research in the key areas of academic study by providing full-text journals, periodicals, reports, books and more. |
AGRICOLA Login Needed In-Library Use Only A unified hub for information covering all aspects of Agriculture. |
Alt HealthWatch Login Needed In-Library Use Only Provides the latest information and materials for the evolving practice of holistic medicine and therapies, with in-depth coverage across the full spectrum of subject areas. |
Bibliography of Native North Americans Login Needed In-Library Use Only Bibliography of Native North Americans (BNNA) is a bibliographic database covering all aspects of native North American culture |
Book Review Digest Plus Login Needed In-Library Use Only This essential library and research tool brings together book reviews on a wide range of topics, from a variety of sources including newspapers, review journals, and popular magazines. |
Business Abstracts and Full-text Login Needed In-Library Use Only Offers full-text articles from hundreds of key publications, and provides access to product evaluations, interviews, biographical sketches, corporate profiles, statistical rankings and more. |
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Reference Center Login Needed In-Library Use Only Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Reference Center |
Business Source Complete Login Needed In-Library Use Only This is the world's definitive scholarly business database |
Business Source Complete Enhanced Interface Login Needed In-Library Use Only Enhanced Business Search Interface |
Chilton Auto Repair Login Needed In-Library Use Only These comprehensive automotive manuals have complete and detailed repair information on thousands of car, truck, van and SUV by year, make and model combinations. |
Computer Source Login Needed In-Library Use Only Provides researchers with the latest information and current trends in high technology. This database offers full-text for nearly 300 publications, and indexing and abstracts for nearly 450 publications. |
Consumer Health Complete Login Needed In-Library Use Only Consumer Health Complete contains convenient access to health care information: patient fact sheets, complete health reference books, health pamphlets, health magazines, drug information, alternative health journals, image collections, and animations. |
Digital Sanborn Maps Login Needed In-Library Use Only Large-scale maps of towns and cities, 1867-1970. |
Credo Reference Login Needed In-Library Use Only Credo is an information skills solutions provider that serves educational institutions worldwide. We build platforms that enable the flexible configuration of content, technology and services for the purpose of connecting learners, faculty and teachers, librarians and publishers. |
Ebook Central Login Needed In-Library Use Only Contains collections: Science & Technology and e-Libro Premium. |
EBSCO eBooks Login Needed In-Library Use Only Downloadable eBooks: reference, biographies, non-fiction, classic literature and full text academic and professional journals. |
EBSCOhost Login Needed In-Library Use Only Need Magazine Articles? Check out EBSCOhost! |
Educational Administration Abstracts Login Needed In-Library Use Only This research database includes bibliographic records covering areas related to educational administration, including educational leadership, educational management, educational research and other areas of key relevance to the discipline. |
ERIC - Education Resources Information Center Login Needed In-Library Use Only ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is an authoritative database of indexed and full-text education literature and resources. Sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education, it is essential too for education researchers of all kinds. |
Essay and General Literature Index Login Needed In-Library Use Only Cites records in collections of essays and works published in the United States, Great Britain and Canada dating back to 1985 and spans the entire range of the humanities and social sciences. |
Explora for Grades 9-12 Login Needed In-Library Use Only Explora provides easy-to-use features and reliable content from the world’s leading magazines and reference books. |
Explora for Grades K-8 Login Needed In-Library Use Only Browse or search across multiple databases, including Primary Search, Middle Search Plus, and Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, for articles from popular magazines, Topic Overviews for younger researchers, and more. |
Explora Public Libraries Login Needed In-Library Use Only Explora provides easy-to-use features and reliable content from the world’s leading magazines and reference books. |
Family Studies Abstracts Login Needed In-Library Use Only This database includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to family studies, including marriage, divorce, family therapy and other areas of key relevance to the discipline. |
Fuente Academica Premier Login Needed In-Library Use Only Fuente Academica is a unique collection of scholarly academic journals from renowned Latin American and Spanish publishers. This database provides full text coverage (including PDF) for nearly 200 scholarly Spanish language journals. Content is provided i |
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia Login Needed In-Library Use Only Features over 25,000 informative segments of the encyclopedia, with alphabetically arranged articles, illustrations and maps. Updated annually. |
Gale Databases Login Needed In-Library Use Only Access to thousands of research topics and magazine articles |
Geni Login Needed In-Library Use Only Geni is solving the problem of genealogy and building the definitive online family tree. IN-LIBRARY ONLY for Geni Pro. |
Health and Medicine Login Needed In-Library Use Only Provides an integrated collection of general interest health and fitness magazines |
Health Source - Consumer Edition Login Needed In-Library Use Only Consumer health information from over 180 full-text consumer health magazines or books. |
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition Login Needed In-Library Use Only EBSCO - Provides more than 540 scholarly full-text journals focusing on many medical disciplines |
HeritageQuest Login Needed In-Library Use Only HeritageQuest genealogy resource |
Hobbies and Crafts Reference Center Login Needed In-Library Use Only Want to try a new craft or learn more about your current hobby?- dig in! |
Humanities Full-text Login Needed In-Library Use Only Includes feature articles, interviews, obituaries and original works of fiction, drama and poetry in all fields of the humanities from art, classical studies, and film to journalism and more. |
Home Improvement Reference Center Login Needed In-Library Use Only HIRC provides detailed, user-friendly “how-to” information covering all manner of home improvement/repair projects. HIRC features full-text content from leading home improvement magazines, images not found anywhere else online, and videos of popular home repair projects. |
Information Science & Technology Abstracts Login Needed In-Library Use Only Information Science & Technology Abstracts is a leading database in the areas of information science. |
Learning Express Login Needed In-Library Use Only New version! Review skills and prepare for tests. |
Learning Express — Adult Learning Center Login Needed In-Library Use Only This center offers busy adults the resources to improve their basic skills, earn a GED Test credential, or become a U.S. citizen. |
Learning Express — Career Center Plus Login Needed In-Library Use Only Are you preparing for a professional exam? Are you curious about a particular occupation or looking to improve your workplace skills? Begin exploring your future here. |
Learning Express — College Center Plus Login Needed In-Library Use Only If you need to strengthen your fundamental academic skills for your courses, prepare for an important placement test, or ensure a top score on a graduate school entrance exam, the resources here can help you reach your goal. |
Learning Express — College Prep Center Login Needed In-Library Use Only Getting into college is an important step to building a strong future. But first, you need to do well on your college admission tests and write a personal essay that highlights your special talents. College Preparation Center provides the resources you need to achieve your college preparation goals. |
Learning Express — College Success Skills Login Needed In-Library Use Only Build skills for success—in college and beyond |
Learning Express — Computer Skills Center Login Needed In-Library Use Only Video courses are the fastest and easiest way to learn how to use a computer. Use the materials in this center to learn the basics of a computer, from searching the Internet to using popular programs for word processing, creating spreadsheets and databases, implementing design, and more. |
Learning Express — High School Equivalency Center Login Needed In-Library Use Only Earning a high school equivalency credential shows that you have high-school-level academic skills. It can help open the door to a better job or career, and a college education. The resources in this Center can help you every step of the way, from finding out if you’re ready to take the test, to building your academic skills, to preparing for your high school equivalency exam. |
Learning Express — Job and Career Accelerator Login Needed In-Library Use Only Powerful tools and expert guidance to help you find a great job. |
Learning Express — Recursos para hispanohablantes Login Needed In-Library Use Only ¿Le gustaría practicar más su lectura y escritura en inglés? ¿Busca mejorar o refrescar sus habilidades matemáticas? Cada curso de aprendizaje y las pruebas de práctica calificados instantáneamente en este Centro de Aprendizaje tienen instrucciones detalladas en español que le ayudarán a alcanzar sus metas personales. |
Learning Express — School Center (Texas) Login Needed In-Library Use Only The resources here can help students prepare for important tests, get extra help with assignments, and boost their skills in important subjects. |
LearningExpress ACT® and SAT® Test Preparation Center Login Needed In-Library Use Only Tutorials and Practice Tests for the ACT and SAT Tests |
LearningExpress PrepSTEP Academic Center Login Needed In-Library Use Only PrepSTEP for College is packed with online test preparation, tutorials, e-books and articles to help university students achieve academic success and readiness for the workplace. It has skill building in English, math and science, college success skills tutorials, popular computer software tutorials and much more. |
LearningExpress PrepSTEP High School Center Login Needed In-Library Use Only PrepSTEP for High Schools provides online access to a unique and extensive collection of academic, college preparation and career-related tutorials, practice tests, articles, e-books and flashcards. It includes tools for academic skill-building, college and career exploration, college admissions test preparation, military exploration and preparation, workplace skills development and more. |
Legal Collection Login Needed In-Library Use Only Containing full text for hundreds of the world's most respected scholarly law journals, this research database is an authoritative source for information on current issues, studies, thoughts and trends of the legal world. |
Legal Forms Login Needed In-Library Use Only Access to most legal forms for all 50 states. |
Legal Information Reference Center Login Needed In-Library Use Only Providing exclusive online full-text for many of the top consumer legal reference books, Legal Information Reference Center contains hundreds of publications and thousands of multi-state legal forms, with more content added on a regular basis. |
Library Information Science & Technology Abstracts Login Needed In-Library Use Only Library Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) |
LibriVox Login Needed In-Library Use Only Public domain recordings of public domain literature. Plays anywhere! |
Literary Reference Center Login Needed In-Library Use Only Provides information on thousands of authors and their works through an expansive collection of author biographies, plot summaries, poems, short stories, author interviews and more. |
MAS Complete Login Needed In-Library Use Only Designed specifically for high school libraries, MAS Complete is a full-text database providing hundreds of popular high school magazines and reference books. Covering subjects such art, history, sports and music, it also includes thousands of biographies and primary source documents, plus over a million photos, maps and flags. |
MasterFILE Complete Login Needed In-Library Use Only MasterFILE Complete offers the largest collection of the most popular full-text magazines, journals, and other highly-regarded sources from the world's leading publishers, covering virtually every subject area of general interest. |
MEDLINE Login Needed In-Library Use Only EBSCO - Offers users access to information from all journals indexed in the National Library of Medicine's MEDLINE file. Access information about such fields as medicine |
Middle Search Plus Login Needed In-Library Use Only EBSCO - Middle Search Plus is designed to assist middle and junior high school students in learning how to research current events. The database includes searchable full-text from over 295 of the most popular K-12 magazines |
Military & Government Collection Login Needed In-Library Use Only EBSCO - Provides full text from over 330 military and general interest publications. This database also offers indexing and abstracts for over 370 magazines. Some titles included are Military Review |
Natural and Alternative Treatments Login Needed In-Library Use Only The database contains almost two hundred articles on medical conditions |
OCLC WorldCat FirstSearch Login Needed In-Library Use Only The world's most comprehensive bibliography. Includes information on the holdings of the world's libraries. Over 43 million records. |
Newspaper Source Plus Login Needed In-Library Use Only Newspaper Source Plus |
Opposing Viewpoints in Context Login Needed In-Library Use Only An unprecedented collection of content and curriculum focused tools that help students explore issues from all perspectives. |
Play Index Login Needed In-Library Use Only Covers over 31,000 classic and historical plays dating from 1949, including one-act plays, pageants, plays in verse, radio and television plays, classic drama and monologues from famous playwrights. |
Primary Search Login Needed In-Library Use Only Containing full-text for nearly 100 of the most popular children's magazines, Primary Search is designed specifically to help elementary school students. Students can learn about a variety of topics, such as endangered species, famous musicians, food fitness, space exploration, and more. The database also includes a collection of more than 1.2 million images of relevant photos, maps and flags to aid kids in learning. |
Professional Development Collection Login Needed In-Library Use Only EBSCO - A valuable resource aimed primarily at professional educators and others interested in the field of education. Contains information on everything from child development to theories and practices of different teaching methods. The database includes |
Project Gutenberg Login Needed In-Library Use Only Want 30,000 free ebooks? Download to your own device using PDFs, HTML, epub, Mobipocket and more. Enjoy! |
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection Login Needed In-Library Use Only This comprehensive resource is an essential tool for psychologists, counselors, researchers and students, providing extensive full-text coverage for a broad range of subjects in the fields of psychology, behavioral sciences and related disciplines. |
Race Relations Abstracts Login Needed In-Library Use Only This resource provides a sole focus on content relating specifically to the relationship between races. It is a rich source of bibliographic records covering fundamental areas relevant to race relations. Specific areas covered include ethnic studies, discrimination, immigration studies, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline, as listed. |
Regional Business News Login Needed In-Library Use Only EBSCO - Incorporates 75 business journals |
Referencia Latina Login Needed In-Library Use Only Referencia Latina |
Religion and Philosophy Collection Login Needed In-Library Use Only EBSCO - The Religion and Philosophy Collection is a comprehensive database covering such topics as world religions |
Salud en Español Login Needed In-Library Use Only Salud en Español provee reportes completos basados en evidencias y fichas de datos relacionados a todos los aspectos de la salud y el bienestar. Reportes específicos por tema que cubren todos los aspectos de la salud, dan información general importante en relación a enfermedades, afecciones y procedimientos de diversos tratamientos. |
Science & Technology Collection Login Needed In-Library Use Only This database provides access to leading full-text journals covering relevant aspects of the scientific and technical community. Science & Technology Collection provides a unique and diverse collection designed to meet any researcher’s needs by covering an array of disciplines. |
Science in Context Login Needed In-Library Use Only Contextual information on hundreds of today's most significant science topics. |
SciTech Collection Login Needed In-Library Use Only The SciTech Premium Collection includes the Natural Science Collection and the Technology Collection and provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more. For those researchers who need to conduct comprehensive literature reviews, this database includes specialized, editorial-controlled A&I resources for discovery of relevant scholarly research and technical literature critical to the discipline. |
Serials Directory Login Needed In-Library Use Only Serials Directory provides access to the most up-to-date and accurate bibliographic information as well as current pricing structures for popular serials. |
Short Story Index Login Needed In-Library Use Only Contains information on short stories by author or genre, and provides detailed indexing for more than 117,000 stories from more than 4,200 collections and anthologies. |
Small Business Reference Center Login Needed In-Library Use Only Information on small business and entrepreneurial subject areas, common business types, a help and advice section, and information on how to create business plans that lead to successful funding. |
Small Engine Repair Reference Center Login Needed In-Library Use Only SERRC offers assistance in providing routine maintenance (tune-ups, brake service, etc.) as well as extensive repairs (engine and transmission disassembly) and allows users to search by product type, brand, model/engine type, specific area of model/engine type, and model numbers. |
Sustainability Reference Center Login Needed In-Library Use Only Sustainability Reference Center |
Teaching Books: Book and Author Resources Login Needed In-Library Use Only This database of instructional materials will enliven your K–12 reading and library activities. |
Texas Reference Center Login Needed In-Library Use Only Texas Reference Center includes more than 80 full text journals and books about Texas history |
TexShare Databases Login Needed In-Library Use Only Includes thousands of full-text magazines and newspapers, WorldCat (35 million library records), Science and Literature databases, on-line encyclopedias, etc. |
TOPICsearch Login Needed In-Library Use Only Teachers, librarians and student researchers can use this database to explore current events, social, political and economic issues, scientific discoveries and other popular topics frequently discussed in the classroom. |
Vocational and Career Collection Login Needed In-Library Use Only Vocational and Career Collection is designed for vocational and technical libraries servicing high schools |